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Title Hits Comments Ratings Date Author
Sacrament, The (2013)
(11580 hits)
(0) 2014-05-04 Brett Gallman
Sadako 3D (2012)
(12065 hits)
(0) 2013-06-04 Brett Gallman
Salem's Lot (1979)
(11346 hits)
(0) 2017-10-02 Brett Gallman
Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
(21915 hits)
(0) 2009-05-27 Brett H.
Samurai Avenger: Blind Wolf (2009)
(10405 hits)
(0) 2015-06-01 Brett Gallman
Sand Sharks (2011)
(12270 hits)
(0) 2013-08-08 Brett Gallman
Sandman, The (2017)
(8858 hits)
(0) 2018-03-05 Brett Gallman
Santa Claws (1996)
(14974 hits)
(0) 2010-12-24 Brett Gallman
Santa Jaws (2018)
(6224 hits)
(0) 2019-07-30 Brett Gallman
Santa's Slay (2005)
(13566 hits)
(1) 2010-12-26 Brett Gallman
Satan's Baby Doll (1982)
(20209 hits)
(0) 2008-06-07 Brett H.
Satan's Blade (1984)
(20810 hits)
(0) 2008-06-10 Josh G.
Satanic Panic (2019)
(6572 hits)
(0) 2019-10-30 Brett Gallman
Saturday the 14th (1981)
(14604 hits)
(0) 2012-07-13 Brett Gallman
Saturn 3 (1980)
(11168 hits)
(0) 2014-02-21 Brett Gallman
Saw (2004)
(17150 hits)
(0) 2008-10-22 Brett Gallman
Saw 3D (2010)
(25641 hits)
(0) 2010-10-29 Brett Gallman
Saw II (2005)
(14708 hits)
(0) 2008-10-22 Brett Gallman
Saw III (2006)
(14472 hits)
(0) 2008-10-23 Brett Gallman
Saw IV (2007)
(14411 hits)
(0) 2008-10-24 Brett Gallman
Saw V (2008)
(19335 hits)
(0) 2008-10-25 Brett Gallman
Saw VI (2009)
(13790 hits)
(0) 2009-10-24 Brett Gallman
Scanners II: The New Order (1991)
(13286 hits)
(0) 2013-09-03 Brett Gallman
Scanners III: The Takeover (1991)
(11556 hits)
(0) 2013-09-04 Brett Gallman
Scare Me (2020)
(4791 hits)
(0) 2021-01-12 Brett Gallman
Scarecrows (1988)
(12325 hits)
(0) 2015-06-03 Brett Gallman
Scars of Dracula (1970)
(7431 hits)
(0) 2019-10-01 Brett Gallman
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2018)
(6202 hits)
(0) 2019-08-13 Brett Gallman
Schizoid (1980)
(14614 hits)
(0) 2013-08-13 Brett Gallman
Scorned (2013)
(14644 hits)
(0) 2014-02-05 Brett Gallman
Scorpion with Two Tails (1982)
(13828 hits)
(0) 2010-05-28 Josh G.
Scream (1981)
(20210 hits)
(0) 2008-04-03 Wes R.
Scream (1996)
(14673 hits)
(0) 2011-03-12 Brett Gallman
Scream (2022)
(4696 hits)
(0) 2022-01-17 Brett Gallman
Scream 2 (1997)
(14255 hits)
(0) 2011-04-11 Brett Gallman
Scream 3 (2000)
(13338 hits)
(0) 2011-04-01 Brett Gallman
Scream 4 (2011)
(13892 hits)
(0) 2011-04-15 Brett Gallman
Scream Blacula Scream (1973)
(13048 hits)
(0) 2012-02-24 Brett Gallman
Scream in the Streets, A (1973)
(4364 hits)
(0) 2021-03-31 Brett Gallman
Scream of the Wolf (1974)
(15548 hits)
(0) 2012-05-08 Brett Gallman
Scream VI (2023)
(9155 hits)
(0) 2023-03-15 Brett Gallman
Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street (2019)
(5409 hits)
(0) 2020-07-01 Brett Gallman
Scream: Halloween Special (2016)
(9723 hits)
(0) 2016-10-28 Brett Gallman
Scream: The Inside Story (2011)
(14689 hits)
(0) 2011-04-12 Brett Gallman
Screamers (1995)
(7124 hits)
(0) 2019-02-01 Brett Gallman
Screwfly Solution, The (2006)
(12237 hits)
(0) 2012-12-19 Brett Gallman
Sculpture (2009)
(14290 hits)
(0) 2011-04-26 Brett H.
Secret Life, The: Jeffrey Dahmer (1993)
(13300 hits)
(0) 2011-07-09 Brett Gallman
Sect, The (1991)
(8874 hits)
(0) 2018-02-19 Brett Gallman
Sector 7 (2011)
(12233 hits)
(0) 2012-06-12 Brett Gallman
See No Evil (2006)
(9877 hits)
(0) 2014-10-18 Brett Gallman
See No Evil 2 (2014)
(10384 hits)
(0) 2014-10-24 Brett Gallman
Seed of Chucky (2004)
(13615 hits)
(0) 2009-10-27 Brett Gallman
Seeds of Evil (1974)
(13313 hits)
(0) 2013-03-06 Brett Gallman
Seeing Heaven (2010)
(15585 hits)
(0) 2011-01-06 Brett Gallman
Seizure (1974)
(11497 hits)
(0) 2014-10-07 Brett Gallman
Sender, The (1982)
(14145 hits)
(0) 2008-11-29 Josh G.
Sentinel, The (1977)
(13931 hits)
(0) 2013-03-18 Brett Gallman
Septic Man (2013)
(10325 hits)
(0) 2014-08-24 Brett Gallman
Serbian Film, A (2010)
(15581 hits)
(0) 2011-10-25 Brett Gallman
Session 9 (2001)
(13902 hits)
(0) 2013-03-15 Brett Gallman
Session 9 (2001) [Blu-ray review]
(8471 hits)
(0) 2016-08-16 Brett Gallman
Seven (1995)
(16218 hits)
(0) 2009-05-02 Brett Gallman
Severed Arm, The (1973)
(5496 hits)
(0) 2020-07-08 Brett Gallman
Shadow People (2013)
(26875 hits)
(0) 2013-03-26 Brett Gallman
Shallows, The (2016)
(10010 hits)
(0) 2016-06-25 Brett Gallman
Shallows, The (2016) [Blu-ray]
(11277 hits)
(0) 2016-09-30 Brett Gallman
Shape of Water, The (2017)
(8415 hits)
(0) 2018-01-31 Brett Gallman
Shark Attack (1999)
(12266 hits)
(0) 2013-08-01 Brett Gallman
Shark Attack 2 (2001)
(13471 hits)
(0) 2011-08-01 Brett Gallman
Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002)
(16032 hits)
(0) 2010-08-04 Brett Gallman
Shark Hunter (2001)
(6231 hits)
(0) 2019-07-30 Brett Gallman
Shark Hunter, The (1979)
(6148 hits)
(0) 2019-07-29 Brett Gallman
Shark is Still Working, The (2007)
(12004 hits)
(0) 2012-08-16 Brett Gallman
Shark Kill (1976)
(9242 hits)
(0) 2017-07-26 Brett Gallman
Shark Lake (2015)
(8583 hits)
(0) 2017-07-20 Brett Gallman
Shark Night (2011)
(12748 hits)
(0) 2011-09-05 Brett Gallman
Shark Week (2012)
(15480 hits)
(0) 2012-08-27 Brett Gallman
Shark Zone (2003)
(14320 hits)
(0) 2012-08-12 Brett Gallman
Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre (2015)
(9639 hits)
(0) 2016-06-28 Brett Gallman
Sharknado (2013)
(10298 hits)
(0) 2014-08-10 Brett Gallman
Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014)
(9758 hits)
(0) 2014-08-12 Brett Gallman
Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015)
(4589 hits)
(0) 2020-08-12 Brett Gallman
Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens (2016)
(3900 hits)
(0) 2021-07-20 Brett Gallman
Sharktopus (2010)
(13231 hits)
(0) 2011-03-19 Brett Gallman
Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014)
(11042 hits)
(0) 2014-08-15 Brett Gallman
Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf (2015)
(7159 hits)
(0) 2018-07-27 Brett Gallman
Shatter Dead (1994)
(14022 hits)
(0) 2013-10-09 Brett H.
She Freak (1967)
(16752 hits)
(0) 2008-09-08 Josh G.
She Killed in Ecstasy (1970)
(11814 hits)
(0) 2015-05-17 Brett Gallman
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