A lot of the films we cover here at OTH get revival screenings pretty often, at least if you live in a place that’s awesome enough to support such a thing. One such place is Los Angeles, home of the New Beverly theater; many of you might know this as the theater owned by Quentin Tarantino, but it’s also one of the nation’s top reparatory houses that specialize in cool revival screenings. It’s the type of place that allows Edgar Wright to come in an program a weekly lineup that includes everything from White Heat to Cutter’s Way.
And they also program even weirder, off-the-wall stuff, like There’s Nothing Out There, which hasn’t had a 35mm screening in over twenty years--at least until May 26th, when it’ll play at the New Bev as part of Brian Collins’s Horror Movie a Day series. Not only does Brian run one of the coolest blogs (if for some reason you’re reading us but not him, rectify that), but he also programs really cool shit on a monthly basis. There’s Nothing Out There is a movie I recently reviewed, and I imagine it would be a blast to experience it with a crowd, so if you’re in the L.A. area, save the date because director Rolfe Kanefsky will also be in attendance for a Q&A and giveaways.
So why bring attention to this screening in particular? Call it good timing, I suppose; having recently seen There’s Nothing Out There in the wake of The The Cabin in the Woods, I feel like it’s a movie that’s deserving of an audience because it was up to a lot of interesting things way back in the early 90s, back before Scream made it cool to be self-aware. But it’s also good timing because the New Beverly has been making headlines lately in the battle between 35mm and digital projection. I won’t hash over this stuff--there’s plenty of more qualified people out there to tell you the pros and cons of both, but there definitely is a place for both, and the New Bev could be a casualty of this battle, which may claim tons of revival theaters and art houses that thrive on acquiring 35mm prints.
If you’re like me and can’t do your part by actually attending, take a look at this Kickstarter campaign for a documentary about the theater. I’m not saying you have to donate, but if you could just take a minute to read Julia Marchese’s description, you’ll see why this is a big deal for so many people. I suppose I’m selfish myself--one day, I hope to make it to L.A., if only for a brief visit--and I want the New Beverly to be there. Not only that, but I want it to keep thriving even if I never make it halfway there. Call it old-fashioned or what have you, but I like just knowing places like this exist to introduce like-minded audiences to the likes of There’s Nothing Out There. comments powered by Disqus Ratings:

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