Written by: Melissa Rosenberg
Directed by: Catherine Hardwicke
Produced by: Mark Morgan, Greg Mooradian, Wyck Godfrey
Reviewed by: J.T. Jeans
This review contains MODERATE SPOILERS for the film Twilight.

But all of that changed when Paramount lost their option to Stephenie Meyer's romantic vampire novel, Twilight. For better or for worse, Twilight would rekindle the country's interest in blood-sucking monsters, bringing with it a new wave of vampire fiction -- both on and off the screen. One's mileage may vary, particularly given the specifics of the content, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself here.
I'm going to come right out and say it: Twilight isn't an awful film. There. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's get right down to it.

So we follow Bella as she travels from the sun-scorched cityscape of Phoenix, Arizona to the rain-soaked forests of Forks, Washington. Bella's mother (Sarah Clarke) has fallen head over heels for a minor league baseball player, and finds herself in a bad emotional state when faced with separation from her husband while he's on the road. Bella suggests that her mother ought to travel with her hunky baseball stud, and Mom decides to do just that, but not before dumping her daughter off on Charlie (Billy Burke), Bella's emotionally distant father (who also happens to be Sheriff in Forks).
Bella proves to be rather emotionally distant herself. Without reading the novel or the script, it's hard to decide what exactly the writers are going for here, but it's clear that Bella is a hardcore social introvert. Generally in these teen-driven romantic melodramas, the new kid in school is awkward by virtue of the school's hostile reaction to them. Not so here: Bella is instantly popular. She puts forward no effort whatsoever to be likeable or approachable, yet she draws the crowds like a honey-coated streaker draws bees and bears. If she were anymore aloof she'd float away into outer space, but that doesn't stop her somehow befriending Jessica (Anna Kendrick), Angela (Christian Serratos), Mike (Michael Welch), Tyler (Gregory Tyree Boyce), and Eric (Justin Chon). And on top of that, she also finds herself the object of Mike, Tyler and Eric's affections.

Of course Bella has no time for the misguided affections of her classmates and scarcely manages to interact with them on a purely sociable level, but she finds herself strangely drawn to the Cullens, a group of adopted foster siblings who are paired off in romantic relationships: the waiflike Alice (Ashley Greene) and silent-but-observant Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) represent couple one, while snooty Rosalie (Nikki Reed) and powerhouse Emmett (Kellan Lutz) represent couple two. Then we have the lone wolf Edward (Robert Pattinson), who appears to take an instant and intense dislike to Bella. This gets Bella's attention in a way affection doesn't, and she sets out to discover why the enigmatic Edward goes out of his way to stay away from her.
From this point on, it's pretty typical teenage melodrama angst: Bella stalks Edward, Edward stalks Bella; Bella nearly dies, Edward saves her life; Bella demands answers, Edward rejects her... but continues to stalk her just in case she happens to get set upon by demented college co-eds. Eventually, with the help of Jacob (Taylor Lautner), Bella manages to piece together the mystery: Edward is in fact a vampire.
A sucker of blood. A vicious monster. A killer of people.

Edward does not kill people, except for maybe young sweet Bella: something in her scent drives him wild, draws him like a shark to chum, and he keeps his distance from Bella for fear of losing control of his animalistic nature around her. As Edward puts it, "You're my own person form of heroin." Upon discovering that she's fallen irrevocably in love with the beast that yearns for her blood, Bella is all too happy to accept the danger if it means being in the arms of the man she loves.
Whilst all of this is going on, a coven of vampires (Cam Gigandet, Rachelle Lefevre, Edi Gathegi) work over some of the Forks locals, drawing the attention of local authorities. Upon discovering the Cullens during a game of thunderstorm-disguised super strength baseball, the tracker of the group (Gigandet) gets a whiff of Bella, setting his blood-lust meter at 11, and sending the Cullens on a desperate mission to protect Bella from becoming the coven's next human meal.

The sound design is strong as well. Mileage may vary depending on one's tastes in music, but the soundtrack and score are perfectly suited to the material we're seeing on screen, and once again it doesn't seem to strive to stand out from the pack. There's nothing grotesquely over the top or out of place. The film sounds really good in Dolby Digital 5.1, and the dialog is perfectly clear coming through the center channel.
The cast are, for the most part, well suited to the character. Ashley Greene manages to stand out from the pack, which is saying something when you consider how very little she has to do in the film. Peter Facinelli plays a warm, sympathetic father figure to the Cullen clan and is extremely likable in spite of his vampiric nature -- you can see from what little screen time he has why these people would allow themselves to be embraced into his brood -- and the rest of the Cullen clan are perfectly suited by the actors that play them. Robert Pattinson has clearly got some chops. With stronger material coming at him from the screen writing side of things, I reckon he would really knock it out of the park. He's one to keep an eye on.

When it comes to gore and skin, you're better off looking for that somewhere else. This is the sort of tame horror flick that knows what audience it's shooting for, so if you're looking for hardcore gore, you're definitely not going to find it here. There's a bit of blood and a blurry dismemberment, but that's not really going to get the typical gore hounds engine's going. And apart from a bit of cleavage and scanty panties, there's not much going on in the way of skin (and I'm pretty sure it would be underage skin in any case, as this cast is fairly young).

If you're a fan of the novels, well, chances are you've seen this anyway, or you're going to see it in the near future regardless of what I have to say. But if you're reading this having never heard of Twilight and you're willing to give the film a chance without any preconceived notions about "sparkling vampires", you may find something to like in it, too. Rent it!

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