Author: Brett G. and Brett H. Submitted by: Brett Gallman Date : 2010-09-29 03:54 {_BLOCK_.MAIN.PAGE_ADMIN}
Another October, and it's time to overflow! Turn on the TV and dust off the old VCR, we're in for another month of balls to the wall Halloween Havoc! Putting a new spin on the third annual OTH! tradition, this year our 31 updates will be the biggest yet and will include newly released DVD and Blu-ray reviews, theatrical reviews, VHS reviews, a new Worst to First list, the debut of a new list series, our annual Halloween viewing list, plus more surprises. Our month of macabre will take you around the world and throughout history, as we review films hailing from ten different countries and every decade from the 1920s until now. Along the way, we’ll review an entire series of films, dig up an Unsung Treasure, and induct a couple of foreign classics into our Hall of Fame. Then, on the 28th of the month, the biggest update in site history will blow away you DVD aficionados, but it all kicks off on October 1st! Don’t forget to register and leave comments on all of our updates!
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